Informationsquellen zum Thema Friedenspolitik zusammengestellt vom Pressedienst des
American Committee for East-West Accord, Ltd
Nützliche Informationsquellen :
- Johnson’s Russia List
- OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees
- The New York Times
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Washington Post
- The Nation
- Consortium News
- Reconsidering Russia
- Russian and Eurasian Politics
- US Foreign Policy Blog – LaLibre.Be
- Irrussianality
Official Statements / offizielle Statements und Dokumente :
- Text of the Minsk II Ceasefire Agreement
- Secretary of State John Kerry / Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Sochi: May 12, 2015
- Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Interview: May 29, 2015
- President Vladimir Putin, Interview: June 6, 2015
- President Barack Obama, G7 Statement, June 8, 2015
- President Vladimir Putin, Petersburg International Economic Forum, June 19, 2015
- President Vladimir Putin, Address to UN General Assembly, Sept. 28, 2015
- Secretary of State John Kerry, Foreign Minister Lavrov, United Nations: Sept. 30, 2015